"I write in my journal everyday and have not missed. I write about what I did each day and I write about how it feels to be a missionary and certain experiences."
- Elder Elder in Ecuador
I am a seed on a chaff of wheat, it doesn't matter what direction the Lord blows me, I will still go and grow the church there, in hard soil or perfect soil."
- Elder Dyer in Baltimore
"I think the key to reactivating people is to teach about the temple."
- Elder Elder in Ecuador
"The degree of care we give to something is a measure of our gratitude for it. For example, if we are grateful for our car, we will take care of it and keep it clean. If we are grateful for the scriptures, we will take care of them and study them and love them. If we are grateful for church, we will prepare wisely for it. If we are grateful for the Savior, we will honor His name through our actions and follow Him."
- Elder Dyer in Orlando