D&C 101: 1-4 “Verily I say unto you, concerning your brethren who have been afflicted… I, the Lord, have suffered the aaffliction to come upon them… Yet I will own them, and they shall be amine in that day when I shall come to make up my jewels. Therefore, they must needs be achastened and tried, even as bAbraham, who was commanded to offer up his only son. For all those who will not aendure chastening, but bdeny me, cannot be sanctified.”
Zechariah 13:9 “And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will arefine them as silver is refined, and will btry them as gold is ctried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.”
D&C 136: 31 “My people must be atried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion; and he that will not cbear chastisement is not worthy of my kingdom.”
Isa. 48: 10 “Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the afurnace of baffliction.” Alma 34: 29 “Therefore, if ye do not remember to be acharitable, ye are as dross, which the refiners do cast out, (it being of no worth) and is trodden under foot of men.”
Zech. 9: 16 “And the Lord their God shall asave them in that bday as the flock of his people: for they shall be as the cstones of a crown, lifted up as an eensign upon his land.”
Romans 8:16-18 “The Spirit itself beareth awitness with our bspirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; aheirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we bsuffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the asufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the bglory which shall be revealed cin us.”
Mosiah 5: 7 “And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are bchanged through faith on his name; therefore, ye are cborn of him and have become his dsons and his daughters.”
Mosiah 15: 10-13 “When his soul has been made an offering for bsin he shall see his seed… And who shall be his seed? Behold I say unto you, that whosoever has heard the words of the aprophets, … and believed that the Lord would redeem his people… these are his seed, or they are the heirs of the kingdom of God. For these are they whose sins ahe has borne; these are they for whom he has died, to redeem them from their transgressions.”
D&C 132:19 “Exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever.”
Moses 1: 39 “For behold, this is my awork and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”
God’s Glory is jewel making
Isa. 62:3 “Thou shalt also be a acrown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.