Monday, March 30, 2009


Happy Birthday Dad! Reasons why you're the best Dad: You taught me how to sing "Can't By Me Love." You always had the best hiding spots in hide and seek. You taught us how to dance to the Beatles. You are really good at making Indian Corn and No Bake Cookies. You brought us donuts from work when we were little. You took us sledding on the big hill by Brother Glick's house on snow days. You taught us how to play Rook and Ching-Chang-Chung. When I thought you would be mad about me getting a flat tire in the Riviera, you weren't. When I was upset and arguing with Mom about working during high school, you hugged me and gave me good advice. You let me come golfing even though I always miss the ball. You took us to Disneyland and we went on Splash Mountain over and over at 11pm before the park closed. You let me drive the Malibu and help me with all the car stuff. You taught me about money and responsibility. You love Mom. You love us. You love the gospel. Thank goodness you were born! Happy Birthday.

Love, Nick-at-Night

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